Wednesday, February 23, 2011

AZ SB1611 = NO College for Undocumented Immigrant Students

Last night (2/22/11), the AZ Senate Appropriations Committee voted 7-6 in favor of SB1611, an omnibus bill that would ban undocumented immigrants from ALL public services. This would now include college and driving, among other things.

If the new bill is passed by the full Senate, full House, and signed by the Governor, SB 1611 would preclude undocumented students' admission to state colleges and universities entirely. That means Pima Community College, UA, ASU, NAU, and all other state institutions's doors would be closed to any student who can't prove their U.S. residency or citizenship.

According to a recent AZ Daily Star article, Sen. Pearce, author of AZ's infamous SB1070 and many other anti-immigrant bills, said,

"It is irrelevant that the fees these students are paying may help keep tuition down for Arizona residents. "They can't be employed" in this country, Pearce said, so their education is not a benefit to Arizona. And he disputed the contention out-of-state tuition covers the full cost of educating students at universities or community colleges. Read the full article.

Many thought SB1070 was the worst anti-immigrant legislation created in recent history. However, it was only the beginning. Now, more than ever, we need YOU to get involved. Raise your voice! Stay aware! Stop this bill from becoming law!
  • Call AZ Senators. Tell them you are against this bill.
  • Attend a rally.
  • Use Facebook, Twitter, texting, calls, emails to tell your friends to get involved.
  • Stay updated with Border Action Network on anti-immigrant and anti-education legislation. SB1611 is only bill. There are others.
Our struggle, together, continues...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First SB1070...Now SB1611

From an Arizona Interfaith Network press release (2/23/11):

AIN Decries Last Minute Omnibus Attack Bill

Yesterday’s sudden introduction of a 30-page anti-immigrant Omnibus bill further threatens to polarize the state, tear at its social fabric, and damage economic recovery.

Senate President Russell Pearce overrode Senate Rules to spring a new 30 page bill on his Senate colleagues, immediately assigning it to Senate Appropriations to be heard today. SB1611 immigration omnibus roles into one bill all the various bills from this session and the last several sessions designed to require proof of citizenship for all services in Arizona. This bill would expand government scrutiny over every interaction between Arizona residents in public and in private, turning officials and business leaders into immigration officers and tearing apart our social fabric.

The surprise move leaves no time for critical debate and discussion. SB1611 is the 22nd bill on a 24 bill Appropriations Committee Agenda. Not only have Senators had only 24 hours to review the bill, but Senate Research has yet to issue a Fact Sheet, which most legislators use to understand a bill.

"This last minute omnibus bill is an end around on democracy, hiding from the real debate and deliberation. It's a bad sign for how business is being conducted at the Capitol and will have social and economic consequences" said Tom Donovan, Valley Interfaith Project Executive Team Member.

This bill further distracts the Legislature from its true priorities. While Arizona faces its worst fiscal deficit in its history, and with unemployment and foreclosures soaring, Senator Pearce is allowing his obsession with immigration to divert attention from the state’s economic and fiscal recovery.

The Senate Judiciary Committee did not have the votes to move SB1308 and SB1309, the two bills challenging the 14th amendment, thus requiring him to move these non-money bills to his Appropriations Committee.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Arizona Debates 14th Amendment

Congressional leaders across the country continue to debate whether the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution applies to children born to undocumented parents. But the battle continues to brew in Arizona, where state legislators have proposed SB1308 and SB1309 to take a stand on this debate against undocumented families.

As Border Action Network states, "These two measures would not only deny citizenship to children of undocumented parents and try to force the Supreme Court to review the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, but would also create an “interstate compact” with other states recognizing one another’s new state-determined citizenship."

Yet again, some AZ legislators are trying to tear apart families. Take ACTION with Border Action Network! Tell the Senate Appropriations Committee to Vote NO on SB1308 and SB1309!

Follow all the updates about immigration legislation through Border Action Network's page. Signup for Arizona Action Alerts.