9th Grade
- Talk with your counselor and inform them that you want to attend a 4-yr college or university and that you need to schedule college prep courses. Take algebra or geometry and a foreign language in both semesters.
- Maintain A’s and B’s in all your subjects.
- If needed, form a study group with friends who also plan to go to college.
- Create a Leadership Portfolio. For assistance with your portfolio please contact your counselor or www.scholarshipsaz.org. Save items such as
- Copies of report cards
- Diplomas and certificates
- Awards and honors
- A list of all school and community activities
- A list of offices held
- A list of your jobs (volunteer or paid)
- Begin visiting colleges or universities; scope out your competition.
- Participate in academic enrichment programs.
10th Grade
- Review your ninth and tenth grade schedules with your counselor to make sure you are taking the correct classes.
- Maintain A’s and B’s.
- Continue to form study groups and do your research on prospective schools.
- Update your Leadership Portfolio at the end of each semester.
- Strongly consider taking the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test). The PSAT is a practice exam for the SAT I or ACT and required for several national scholarship programs. Students often take the PSAT in 11th grade; however, extra practice during 10th grade can only help familiarize you with the exam. Register in October. The fee is $13. Ask your counselor about a fee waiver. Practice using free online resources http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/prep.html.
- Continue to visit local colleges and universities with family and friends.
- Participate in academic enrichment programs and special summer workshops and camps for music, science, engineering, writing, tutoring, filmmaking, theater, language sports, and others.
11th Grade
· Check with your counselor to be sure you are taking the right college prep courses needed for a selective 4-yr college or university and challenge yourself.
· Maintaining A’s and B’s is very important in your junior year. College counselors will be paying particular attention to these classes for rigor and performance.
· Register for the PSAT in October.
· Take the PSAT. The results will give you and your counselor an idea of your strengths and the areas you need to improve as you prepare for college admission. The fee is $13. Ask your counselor about a fee waiver. Depending on your score, you may also be eligible for national scholarships. Practice using free online resources http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/prep.html
· If you are taking Advanced Placement subjects, register for the AP exams in spring. Scoring well on these exams will enable you to earn credit for college-level courses. (
· Attend college fairs and presentations by colleges who visit your school and ask questions.
· Create a file on your favorite colleges and obtain information about these schools.
· Visit colleges that interest you. Try to meet with the admissions officer, academic professor in your intended program, student organizations, and athletics. Prepare questions about the school and have a transcript or list of courses you have taken since ninth grade.
· Think about re-taking the SAT I or ACT tests if necessary.
· Update your Leadership Portfolio.
· From May to July be prepared to receive mail from many colleges.
Over the Summer
· Read the college mail you receive. Return reply cards to schools that interest you. They will send you viewbooks, catalogues and applications.
· Visit your “short list” colleges in person if possible.
· Prepare for the SAT I and the ACT by reading books and manuals with the testing tips and sample questions. Attend workshops on how to prepare for these entrance exams if offered at your school or ask a counselor where you can prepare.
· Begin looking for scholarships. If you are not a candidate for them at this time save a copy in a folder and revisit it your senior year. All the money you can get is great.
12th Grade
· Check with your counselor to make sure you are taking the right classes.
· Maintain A’s and B’s and do not get senioritis early!
· Update your Leadership Portfolio.
· Visit your short list schools again.
· Check frequently with your college counselor or career center director for information about scholarships awarded by your school, local companies and community groups.
· In early September, register for the SAT I and the ACT. Register a month or two before the test date.
· By the end of October, make a final list of the schools to which you will apply for admission.
· Make a file for each school and a checklist of the required admission items: transcripts, applications fees, recommendations, essays, test scores, etc.
· Pay special attention to deadlines.
· Apply early if you can.
Entire or portions of the information provided is property of www.scholarshipsaz.org. Because the information enclosed is made available by U.S. Government, post-secondary educational institutions, providers of financial aid, and other outside agencies, this information is subject to change without notification.
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